The blind leading the blind: NP teams up with chiropractor to do "joint injections"
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When a student learns from a teacher, it's customarily the case that the teacher is more knowledge and experience than the pupil. This is what the framework for medical school education is built upon, and why the ages-old tradition of medical residents training under the tutelage and wisdom of attending physicians works. Common sense dictates that you can't learn anything, let alone how to do a procedure like a joint injection, from someone just as clueless as you are. That's not going to stop elite nurse practitioner Jordan Hunter, though! According to this post in our favorite Facebook group for cream-of-the-crop midlevel NPs, NP Jordan is going to be teaming up with a local quack chiropractor to do "joint injections" with "hyalouronic [sic] acid" and PRP (platelet-rich plasma).

Notwithstanding the fact that the evidence for using PRP to treat certain conditions (e.g. knee osteoarthritis) is mixed at best, the fact remains that joint injections are not trivial, 100%-risk-free procedures, contrary to what some midlevels would like you to believe. Certainly, they are not a procedure you want to casually learn from your local neighborhood charlatan who has "never done them either". It's not like fucking up an injection into what should be a sterile joint capsule could lead to significant side effects or bad outcomes, right?

When there's no shortage of highly trained, board-certified physicians in fields such as family medicine, rheumatology, orthopedic surgery, sports medicine, pain medicine, and more, there's really no medical reason to cheap out and seek out an untrained midlevel or chiropractor to have an invasive procedure such as a joint injection performed. Your body deserves better than that!